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Playmate Theatre Malmö is a part of MALMÖ SCENFEST 2025
During Malmö Scenfest on Saturday 29th March Playmate are offering:
14:00 - 16:00 hrs
THEATRE WORKSHOP : Free entrance since a part of Malmö Scenfest.
Demo Introduction to Michael Chekhov Acting Technique
/ a part of Malmö Scenfest . By certified Checkhov teacher Nathalie Drakemyr
Ages 18+
17:00 - 18:00 hrs
"A Heart Act to Follow"
Monologues on stage ; a part of Malmö Scenfest 2025
Doors open 30 minutes beforehand. Free entrance.
Joan Bentsen, Kevin Benn, Robin Gott, Evdokia Kelessidi, Michaela Palmer.
And with the participation of Roger LeBlanc.
Recommended from age 15.
All are welcome. https://malmoscenfest.se/
Doors open 30 minutes beforehand
Idunsg 6 Malmö
(Just off Nobelvägen. Opposite restaurant Burek House)
At Malmö Scenfest, on one whole day of the year, members open up their organisations to the public. The programme is a show of strength and a joint effort to highlight the world of theatre and its audiences in Malmö. Free entrance for all Malmö Scenfest activities.

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The Two Character Play
by Tennessee Williams
Directed by Lars Junggreen
A meta psychological thriller
Premiered November 2024
At Bastionen, Malmö
Playmate Theatre Malmö presents the English-language Nordic premiere of this incredible, rarely performed Tennessee Williams play
Along with Eugene O’Neill and Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams is the foremost playwright of 20th-century American drama, famous of course for his iconic cult melodramas on screen and off - The Glass Menagerie, A Streetcar Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and more…
THE TWO CHARACTER PLAY is the one Tennessee Williams stage play you have not seen.
"I think it is my most beautiful play since Streetcar, the very heart of my life"…
/ Tennessee Williams
/"...The Two Character Play is at its heart desperate, a portrait of madness and despair, a reminder that we’re all of us trapped on our own little stages, struggling with life’s tape decks and lighting rigs and missing staircases in an attempt to hold it all together."/ (London, 2021)
On stage – an exciting, tour de force performance by strong character actors Andreas Lyon (US/Cph) and Vanessa Poole (UK/Malmö), accompanied by a choreographic movement ensemble of four.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ REVIEW ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
/"... PLAYMATE THEATRE MALMÖ, has succeeded in crafting a production that not only pays homage to Tennessee Williams but also pushes the boundaries of what theatre can be. It is a witness to the enduring relevance of Williams’s work and a reminder of the transformative power of the stage.
The play shows a circular balance, representing the mind’s whirlwind of chaos anchored by moments of clarity—a motif that weaves the piece until it ends. This is theatre at its most daring—intimate, unsettling, and unforgettable expression.
Vanessa Poole delivers a passionately inventive performance, showcasing an unwavering commitment to her craft. Her portrayal of Clare is both raw and nuanced, capturing the character’s fragility and fiery determination with captivating authenticity.
Andreas Lyon, as Felice, brings a quiet intensity to the stage, grounding the sibling dynamic with a measured yet deeply affecting presence. Together, they find balance, and create a magnetic interplay, driving the emotional core of the production.
The director’s approach is clever, weaving together elements of comedy, tragedy, and psychological horror to create a truly immersive experience. The pacing is taut, ensuring that even the few slower, introspective moments are imbued with a sense of tension.
The interplay between the siblings and the mimes is choreographed neatly and with precision, by Mariana Araoz, each movement and interaction serving to deepen the audience’s engagement with the story.
The combination of haunting performances, innovative direction, and a bold reinterpretation of a timeless script makes The Two Character Play at Bastion’s Theatre an authentic achievement."/
(Review by KunstKapel; M. Elias, Copenhagen/Malmö 2024)

Playmate Theatre Malmö was set up in 2017 by three British actors, living and working in Malmö, hoping to fill a niche in the local theatre scene in Skåne.
With critically renowned, contemporary English-language scripts - by playwrights such as Alan Bennett, David Ives and Peter Shaffer - Playmate aims to produce theatre that has wit, repartee, passion and relevance.
Like all actors we have an enormous love of words, but there is no denying the value of entertainment to an audience and the power of a good story. Some plays just sound better in their native language. Other well-loved English-language plays are perhaps unfamiliar to a Scandinavian audience.
This is your chance to see them.
Bringing the best of English language theatre to Scandinavia
"...Playmate har hittat en nisch i regionens teaterliv som behöver fyllas. Med tre uppsättningar på ett år har Playmate Theatre fått upp farten och hittat publiken. Det ska bli spännande att se vilken riktning ensemblen tar i framtiden."
Sydsvenskan, 2018
Playmate Theatre Malmö is a professional English-language theatre company in Malmö, southern Sweden, bringing small-cast, intimate, contemporary plays of relevance to Swedish and international audiences. We collaborate with invited guest directors and at times, on joint or guest productions with other theatre companies in the region. In Malmö we usually perform at blackbox theatre Bastionen and when possible tour to Copenhagen and Hamburg. We aim to perform one to two strong choices of play a year, a mixture of straight dramas and dramatic comedies, by playwrights we feel are exciting and whose writing works successfully and internationally. Playmate performs in English and auditions for actors as needed.
Come to us for a touch of off-Broadway theatre magic in Scandinavia!